Special solutions for the various problems that denture wearers experience are needed for them to be able to confidently deal with everyday life. This has been the goal for the Protefix® Research Department for over fifty years.
The Research Department in close cooperation with dentists together with an intensive dialogue with patients, developed a wide range of special products from Protefix® Adhesive Cream with threefold effect to unique Protefix® Adhesive Cushions and Protefix® Adhesive Powder up to Protefix® Protect Gel with Glycerol-oxide-triester (“T.G.O”). The Protefix® research also contains a quality assurance system which ensures the high standard of all Protefix® products. Furthermore, the search for improvements and solutions for denture wearers is a constant part of the research work.
All our efforts are geared to fully satisfy our users. We want to help you to confidently go about your everyday life. Trust Protefix® products! Better safe than sorry!
Protefix® has a wide range of denture adhesives for various needs. Protefix® adhesive creams come in four different versions. All four products are characterized by one special property, the unique Protefix wet-adhesive power which is recommended for both difficult conditions for adhesion and increased saliva flow. The long-lasting effect gives the wearer confidence and independence while eating, drinking or laughing.
Protefix® Adhesive Cushions for lower and upper dentures are an unique product made of a fine, palate-gentle fleece tissue. It contains sodium alginate, which after a short moistening enhances the adhesive power. The cushions have also proven invaluable regarding severe jaw degeneration – especially in degeneration of the lower jaw. Especially for the specific problems in the interim period, dentist recommend Protefix® Adhesive Cushions to fill out the cavities beneath lower and upper dentures.
The time-proven Protefix® Adhesive Powder is ideal for mild adhesion problems and thin saliva. Thanks to natural sodium alginate, Protefix® Adhesive Powder is tasteless and perfectly suited for sensitive mucosa.
Painful pressure points of dentures, inflammations of the mucous membrane and aphta, especially under dentures, partial dentures and braces - Protefix® Protect Gel helps with its Glycerol-oxide-triester (“T.G.O”). It helps first time denture wearers to get used to wearing their new dentures or bracket. Protefix® Protect Gel does not contain alcohol.